May 13, 2010

Godly Mothers Needed

Mother: God's Servant
by Charles Stanley

Before a child ever hears about the Lord at church, he or she witnesses a parent's example of faith. For this reason, all children share the common need for a godly mother.

Love toward God multiplies and spills out from believers onto others, including sons and daughters. God's care is pure and unselfish - much different than what the world offers. When we experience His concern, provision, and protection, it's easier for our children to grow up loving God.

Every child needs a mom who trusts God. A perfect mother is unrealistic. And she wouldn't be good for her kids in the long run. Witnessing Mom's trust during trials and heartbreaks is the way children learn to place their faith in God. Teaching little ones to trust ensures they'll always know the heavenly Father is close, even when parents aren't.

Every child also needs a mother who knows how to pray. A wise mom teaches her children how to access almighty God. Dr. Stanley still recalls his mother's voice as she knelt next to his bed each night. Thanks to her, he understood very early that God was always listening and willing to respond to his prayers.

A mother serves many people, including her spouse, children, extended family, and friends. But she must serve the Lord first. When she accepts God's love, practices trust, and keeps a daily discipline of prayer and Bible reading, she'll find the strength to fulfill all of His requirements.
 I Love You Mom.

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