I wish all my friends and family a very merry Christ-mas, filled with wonder at what our Awesome God has done.
I pray that we will remember that the babe in the manger grew up. He lived a sinless life, in this sinful world, suffered the same temptations, and occupied a frail human body so that HE could give His life as a ransom for sinners. His sacrifice was accepted by the Father, He arose the 3rd day. And now sits in heaven at the right hand of God interceding for His children.
In all the hoopla of this busy season, with the gifts to wrap, the cookies to bake, the children out of school and excited, let us not forget the reason Jesus the Christ came into this world. To save sinners like me and like you.
'Holy GOD in love became, perfect man to bear my blame. On the cross He took my sin. By His death I live again.' lyrics by Drew Jones
A day in the life of the Gibson Family... Living with Chronic Migraine Disease and Other Daily Trials
Dec 23, 2010
Dec 20, 2010
What I am Learning
I have started to use a devotional book entitled “Faith Walk, A daily Journey Through the Bible” by Woodrow Kroll and Tony Beckett. The reading for December 18 focused on the Seriousness of Sin. The scriptures were Obadiah and Revelation 9. At the end of each daily reading questions are asked to help you apply what has been learned to your own life.
This is what I read, “We sometimes are too casual about sin and its effects. Consider your life today, looking to see if sin is gripping some part of it. By God’s grace and power you can break its grasp”.
As I prayed and pondered, I realized that I am really selfish a lot of the time. I want everyone to leave me alone so I can __________, you can fill in the blank. I see that I often allow my health issues to interfere with life. My life certainly but more importantly I allow my selfishness to interfere with my family’s life.
The children have become more and more aware of this. They see it in the lack of attention I was giving them.
My sweet, patient husband sees it in the way I tend to brush him off. I’m always too tired, or have a headache, or…
Now that my eyes have been opened I need to change. It does me no good whatsoever to see my selfishness and acknowledge that it is sin if I have no intention of changing.
Please pray for me as I seek to change. Pray that I will recognize quickly when I act in a selfish manner. Pray that I will discipline myself to become less me oriented and more God and family oriented.
This is what I read, “We sometimes are too casual about sin and its effects. Consider your life today, looking to see if sin is gripping some part of it. By God’s grace and power you can break its grasp”.
As I prayed and pondered, I realized that I am really selfish a lot of the time. I want everyone to leave me alone so I can __________, you can fill in the blank. I see that I often allow my health issues to interfere with life. My life certainly but more importantly I allow my selfishness to interfere with my family’s life.
The children have become more and more aware of this. They see it in the lack of attention I was giving them.
My sweet, patient husband sees it in the way I tend to brush him off. I’m always too tired, or have a headache, or…
Now that my eyes have been opened I need to change. It does me no good whatsoever to see my selfishness and acknowledge that it is sin if I have no intention of changing.
Please pray for me as I seek to change. Pray that I will recognize quickly when I act in a selfish manner. Pray that I will discipline myself to become less me oriented and more God and family oriented.
Dec 18, 2010
Anniversary Rings
In November 2009, David and I returned to our honeymoon hideaway. While there, I purchased a 1 carat, emerald cut, pale blue aquamarine. I had been searching for the 'perfect' (for me) stone because it is David's birthstone.
About August or so of 2010, I started looking for someone who would make a ring to put my stone in. Very hard to find. As I perused the internet, I kept returning to 2 artisans on Etsy.
I emailed the first, with my request but she was unwilling to work with a stone that she had not cut herself. She explained that stone sometimes break and she did not want to accidentally ruin it for me.
The second person was willing to make a ring with an empty setting, and I would then take it to a jeweler locally to have the stone set. You can find him here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/MJSGems
When the ring arrived I took it to the local jeweler that I had previously contacted only to be told that they would have to remake the setting and the cost would be much more than I had been quoted. The attitude of this shop really didn't sit well with me so I contacted the jeweler where David bought my original engagement ring over 20 years ago.
This proved to be the right choice. Although they seldom work in sterling silver, they were willing to do the job. So, yesterday evening David took me into Concord to pick up my ring that has been in the making, (in a vague way) for 13 months.
I am so pleased. It is beautiful.
So, now on my left hand I wear a beautiful, matching wedding set. (When David saw the 1st ring he told me to get a matching band)
It wasn't a matter of not liking my original rings, it was really several things. First, several years ago I was using bleach to clean something and I got a chemical burn under the band. I have had it cleaned professionally and am still unable to wear that band for more than 3 or 4 hours. The second thing was that my original engagement ring had been a pear cut with a smaller stone on either side. Those side stones were the problem. I lost several of them while working and had them replaced. The last time it happened, I was so aggravated that I traded it in for a single stone ring. Unfortunately, I did not ask David about this or even have him help me chose a replacement. So that has bothered him, and as I have tried to be more sensitive to his leadership, it has bothered me.
So now you know the story and here are the photos.
About August or so of 2010, I started looking for someone who would make a ring to put my stone in. Very hard to find. As I perused the internet, I kept returning to 2 artisans on Etsy.
I emailed the first, with my request but she was unwilling to work with a stone that she had not cut herself. She explained that stone sometimes break and she did not want to accidentally ruin it for me.
The second person was willing to make a ring with an empty setting, and I would then take it to a jeweler locally to have the stone set. You can find him here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/MJSGems
When the ring arrived I took it to the local jeweler that I had previously contacted only to be told that they would have to remake the setting and the cost would be much more than I had been quoted. The attitude of this shop really didn't sit well with me so I contacted the jeweler where David bought my original engagement ring over 20 years ago.
This proved to be the right choice. Although they seldom work in sterling silver, they were willing to do the job. So, yesterday evening David took me into Concord to pick up my ring that has been in the making, (in a vague way) for 13 months.
I am so pleased. It is beautiful.
So, now on my left hand I wear a beautiful, matching wedding set. (When David saw the 1st ring he told me to get a matching band)
It wasn't a matter of not liking my original rings, it was really several things. First, several years ago I was using bleach to clean something and I got a chemical burn under the band. I have had it cleaned professionally and am still unable to wear that band for more than 3 or 4 hours. The second thing was that my original engagement ring had been a pear cut with a smaller stone on either side. Those side stones were the problem. I lost several of them while working and had them replaced. The last time it happened, I was so aggravated that I traded it in for a single stone ring. Unfortunately, I did not ask David about this or even have him help me chose a replacement. So that has bothered him, and as I have tried to be more sensitive to his leadership, it has bothered me.
So now you know the story and here are the photos.
Gingerbread House Results
Sarah and Daniel took 2nd place and Most Creative with their annual entry. David and I like their creation so much we are trying to figure out how to store it for next years Christmas decorating. Any suggestions?
The entry that took 1st was a more traditional house with lots of candy. I had hoped that the judges would like something less traditional, but they did not. A lot of work had gone into all the entries and I know the kids learned a lot during the construction of the log house.
The entry that took 1st was a more traditional house with lots of candy. I had hoped that the judges would like something less traditional, but they did not. A lot of work had gone into all the entries and I know the kids learned a lot during the construction of the log house.
Dec 10, 2010
RE: Totally Cool Log Cabin
I don't know if it's me or blogger, but I'm having a terrible time adding text after I add pictures. So, I will tell about the Log Cabin in this post.
Did you know that a dremel tool will cut pretzel logs like a knife through hot butter? (Is that the correct saying?)
Did you know that hot glue is the best adhesive for this type of project?
Did you know that when a 12 and 14 year old construct an entry for the annual GB House contest your kitchen will feel sticky forEVER!
Sarah in her infinite patience and determination constructed and tore down and rebuilt and torn down and tore down and changed the base and reconstructed .... I believe it was a total of 4 times.
She tried several variations of icing for the mortar, but in the end technology won. What is the crafter's favorite tool? No it's not duct tape. It is HOT GLUE GUNS!!
She had the patience to glue each tiny peppercorn on the chimney base and THEN discovered that the position of the chimney on the roof meant that part of the chimney should show on the exterior of the log cabin. More peppercorns to add.
Daniel hollowed out the section of pretzel log AND drilled a hole in it to attach it to the post that is buried in the ground.
Cheerios make a good rubble style walkway.
They started this project before Thanksgiving and worked their little fingers to the bone.
Competition looked stiff when we viewed some of the other entrants yesterday morning. I hope they at least place, I think if the judges are looking for something different they stand a very good chance.
Did you know that a dremel tool will cut pretzel logs like a knife through hot butter? (Is that the correct saying?)
Did you know that hot glue is the best adhesive for this type of project?
Did you know that when a 12 and 14 year old construct an entry for the annual GB House contest your kitchen will feel sticky forEVER!
Sarah in her infinite patience and determination constructed and tore down and rebuilt and torn down and tore down and changed the base and reconstructed .... I believe it was a total of 4 times.
She tried several variations of icing for the mortar, but in the end technology won. What is the crafter's favorite tool? No it's not duct tape. It is HOT GLUE GUNS!!
She had the patience to glue each tiny peppercorn on the chimney base and THEN discovered that the position of the chimney on the roof meant that part of the chimney should show on the exterior of the log cabin. More peppercorns to add.
Daniel hollowed out the section of pretzel log AND drilled a hole in it to attach it to the post that is buried in the ground.
Cheerios make a good rubble style walkway.
They started this project before Thanksgiving and worked their little fingers to the bone.
Competition looked stiff when we viewed some of the other entrants yesterday morning. I hope they at least place, I think if the judges are looking for something different they stand a very good chance.
Totally Cool Log Cabin
Nov 26, 2010
I've been listening to a lot of my favorite songs on YouTube this morning.
Music is a beautiful gift that GOD has given to His creation.
In Luke 19:37-40 we read about the "multitudes praising GOD with loud voices for all the mighty works they had seen. The Pharisees said to Jesus, 'Master, rebuke them'. Jesus answered and said unto them,"I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."
As I watch some of my favorite hymns, Christmas and praise songs, it bothers me that some of the artists are putting their heart and soul into the music are not living a life that honors Christ.
Then as I mulled it over it occurred to me that the message in the song is being spread and used by GOD. It is possible that those in the audience or the artist or someone watching the YouTube video will be ministered to.
I have to remember that GOD is in control and He can use the foolish to open the eyes of the blind.
The gospel will not return empty, but will fulfill His plan!
So listen to the gospel spelled out in song. Let it speak to you.
Sep 27, 2010
New Felted Purse
Several months ago a lady on a crochet forum posted a picture of a beautiful felted purse that she called 'Tres Roses'. She had invented this purse and shared it with us.
I did some figuring and searching for a rose pattern and finally made my mom a purse.
Here it is...
I did some figuring and searching for a rose pattern and finally made my mom a purse.
Here it is...
Sep 22, 2010
One of the Saddest 2-weeks of my life
A little over 2 years ago, I had a very memorable Mother's Day. Our friends J & K had their 3rd child in a home birth. ( I told K she was my hero, she was at church in active labor only about 2 hours before 'Puppy" was born).
We were over within an hour or so after he was born. And were able to bring them leftovers from our Sunday lunch and share and rejoice with them as a family. I thought I had blogged about it, cannot believe I forgot.
Just as Mother's Day 2008 if a joyful memory, so September 2010 is one of sorrow and tears.
September 7, our pastors son James was killed in the line of duty in Iraq. He had been in the army less than a year, he had a young wife at home, he was scheduled to come home in January 2011.
God in His Providence, chose to bring him home, and in his death, the message of the Gospel has been broadcast at least nationwide. As his wife, parents, siblings, extended family, and friends mourn his passing, we are also able to rejoice in the testimony that his death has spread.
Right now if you 'google' James McClamrock you will find newspaper articles from all over. I haven't yet read all of them , but every one I have read has been so full of God's grace as evidenced in the entire family's lives.
His funeral was this past Friday, 9/17. It was very emotional but at the same time I believe that it was very healing for those who grieve.
We (Gibson Family) did not have the privilege of knowing this young man. He left for the Army only a few months after we started attending the church and prior to that his job in security at the airport had kept him away. We have had the chance to get to know his wife a tiny bit, and I am so amazed and yes, even proud of how she is responding to the death of her husband with grief tempered by hope and peace and grace.
Shannah, Jamies wife, has the peace that surpasses ALL understanding. This is not a trite cliche. It is the evidence of Christs work in her life.
Philippians 4:4-7: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
This is the peace in the face of tremendous grief that Shannah, James parents and siblings, his friends and church family have. And as we seek His peace in this time of grief, as we cling to Him for healing, He gives us the peace that only he can give.
Here is a link to a tribute article in the local paper. It was front page and if printed on one page would take up the ENTIRE page. How often do we see that for a small town boy? But more about the reasons for the honor shown him in another post.
Final Good-bye
Just as Mother's Day 2008 if a joyful memory, so September 2010 is one of sorrow and tears.
September 7, our pastors son James was killed in the line of duty in Iraq. He had been in the army less than a year, he had a young wife at home, he was scheduled to come home in January 2011.
God in His Providence, chose to bring him home, and in his death, the message of the Gospel has been broadcast at least nationwide. As his wife, parents, siblings, extended family, and friends mourn his passing, we are also able to rejoice in the testimony that his death has spread.
Right now if you 'google' James McClamrock you will find newspaper articles from all over. I haven't yet read all of them , but every one I have read has been so full of God's grace as evidenced in the entire family's lives.
His funeral was this past Friday, 9/17. It was very emotional but at the same time I believe that it was very healing for those who grieve.
We (Gibson Family) did not have the privilege of knowing this young man. He left for the Army only a few months after we started attending the church and prior to that his job in security at the airport had kept him away. We have had the chance to get to know his wife a tiny bit, and I am so amazed and yes, even proud of how she is responding to the death of her husband with grief tempered by hope and peace and grace.
Shannah, Jamies wife, has the peace that surpasses ALL understanding. This is not a trite cliche. It is the evidence of Christs work in her life.
Philippians 4:4-7: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
This is the peace in the face of tremendous grief that Shannah, James parents and siblings, his friends and church family have. And as we seek His peace in this time of grief, as we cling to Him for healing, He gives us the peace that only he can give.
Here is a link to a tribute article in the local paper. It was front page and if printed on one page would take up the ENTIRE page. How often do we see that for a small town boy? But more about the reasons for the honor shown him in another post.
Final Good-bye
Impromptu Nature Lesson
Two Weeks ago on a Saturday the kids were around the corner at a friends and David & I grabbed the 'Brown Bag Special' at Sonic and headed to the salon to get my hair cut.
As Shannon was doing my hair, David joined the conversation and we were telling her about this wonderful new, (to me) shampoo. JR Liggette's Old-Fashioned Bar Shampoo
Shannon told us that her husdand was getting ready to go on a month0long hike in the Appalachian Mountains. So, David offered to run home, (we are no more than 1/2 mile away) and bring her a bar for them to try.
As he slowed to turn in our drivewat he noticed a dead critter in the road. So, naturally, he went to investigate. He found a beautiful hawk with no visible damage. Being the good homeschool Dad that he is, he quickly got a shovel and removed the bird from the road.
When we got back home from my fabulous hair cut, I called the neighbor where the kids were playing to ask J, (the dad) is his boys (7 & 11) would like to come over and investigate the hawk. The 7 year-old did not but D the 11 year-old was full of enthusiasm.
We measured, photographed and then called the Raptor Center to see if they had a use for a dead bird.
They did so all 5 of us, (6 if you count the hawk in the trunk), piled in the car and drove out to deliver the dead hawk.
We arrived in time to see the staff preparing dinner for the birds and were able to ask a lot of questions about their work and of course take photos.
Here are just a few of the photos from that day.
As Shannon was doing my hair, David joined the conversation and we were telling her about this wonderful new, (to me) shampoo. JR Liggette's Old-Fashioned Bar Shampoo
Shannon told us that her husdand was getting ready to go on a month0long hike in the Appalachian Mountains. So, David offered to run home, (we are no more than 1/2 mile away) and bring her a bar for them to try.
As he slowed to turn in our drivewat he noticed a dead critter in the road. So, naturally, he went to investigate. He found a beautiful hawk with no visible damage. Being the good homeschool Dad that he is, he quickly got a shovel and removed the bird from the road.
When we got back home from my fabulous hair cut, I called the neighbor where the kids were playing to ask J, (the dad) is his boys (7 & 11) would like to come over and investigate the hawk. The 7 year-old did not but D the 11 year-old was full of enthusiasm.
We measured, photographed and then called the Raptor Center to see if they had a use for a dead bird.
They did so all 5 of us, (6 if you count the hawk in the trunk), piled in the car and drove out to deliver the dead hawk.
We arrived in time to see the staff preparing dinner for the birds and were able to ask a lot of questions about their work and of course take photos.
Here are just a few of the photos from that day.
Dinner prep for the raptors.
Sep 16, 2010
Prayer and Thankfulness
Before you go any further today, please read the blog post that I have linked for you.
I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have been "bugged" by things that are prayed for and things that people thank God for.
But after reading the post above, my perception changed. I contacted Beth and received permission to link to her post. I must remember to send her the link to mine.
The point I want to make is that we are told "... In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5
So with this new perspective I am trying to give thanks in literally everything. What does this look like? Well, first it has helped my attitude when I hear my child thanking God for the chance to watch a movie. I must remember that it is the thankful attitude that is most important.
So Thank You God for:
a computer
the Internet
our library
our librarians
a warm home
running water
beautiful flowers
a baby's cry
a tender kiss
the love of my husband
my 2 bright, energetic, imaginative, loving, wise children
our "monster-dog" Oscar
my car
food to cook and eat
bills to pay
my migraines, I don't know the why, but I do know the Savior and that's most important
And I will continue to say, " I am doing better than I deserve."
I deserve eternal hell, but Christ has redeemed me for His own and I am no longer a slave to sin. Now I serve the King of kings.
And They'll Know We are Christians By Our Love, and our words and our deeds...
As I browse through facebook profiles of people I know, I am ashamed. Ashamed of the words that are posted. Ashamed of the things that are "liked". Ashamed of the attitudes displayed while at the same time the title of 'christian' is bandied about with no regard.
Words mean something. Our culture has denigrated the language so much that words once taboo, highly insulting, even forbidden have now become a badge of 'honor'.
Parents, if your kids are on Facebook or have a blog, please keep an eye on what they post. I think that we often post something on the www that we would not say in real life. I know I have said things online that in retrospect I would NEVER have said in the same way if I had been talking to that person face to face.
I have been on a lot of facebook pages this week as I tried to keep up-to-date on the funeral plans for a dear young man from our church who was killed last week while serving his country in Iraq. Consequently I have seen a lot of comments that were not anything I would want my children to call themselves or anyone else.
Sep 3, 2010
Happy Birthday Daniel
Today my first born is 14. It is hard to believe accept. Aas I hugged him and wished him happy birthday, I got so choked up. He has grown and changed so much from the end of school last year to now. He is becoming a fine young man.
He stands head and shoulders above me. I didn't realize how tall he really was until one day I asked him to get something out of the the top kitchen cabinet for me. He walked over and reached up, didn't even stretch, and handed me the item. At that point it hit me how tall he actually is. He is just turned 14 and pushing 6 feet tall.
The pictures are from his actual birthday. I wish I had photos in the pc from each year. Maybe I can get that done soon , for both children.
Any way, Happy Birthday, Daniel, I love you.
Aug 25, 2010
Kitchen Favorites 1
As I was preparing dinner tonight, it occurred to me that I use the same tools over and over. "Why do I do this?" I asked myself.
I answered myself, "Because these tools have stood the test of time, and done the job well. Most of them for at least 10 years."
Then I pondered..."Why not post a series about these tools? Maybe others would like this info."
So without further ado, (I like that phrase ;0) here is the first entry.
1. Pizza Stone, I have 3 of these. They start out as a light tan, rough surfaced disk. But after many, many uses they become dark and slick. Care for them as you would a cast iron skillet. I bake everything I can on them.
2. The Original Dish Drying Mat, very absorbant, washes up well. I have 2 and will probably get at least 2 more. They are a nice size, I use 1 as a doggy placemat and possibly will get 4 for informal place mats for the table.
I answered myself, "Because these tools have stood the test of time, and done the job well. Most of them for at least 10 years."
Then I pondered..."Why not post a series about these tools? Maybe others would like this info."
So without further ado, (I like that phrase ;0) here is the first entry.
1. Pizza Stone, I have 3 of these. They start out as a light tan, rough surfaced disk. But after many, many uses they become dark and slick. Care for them as you would a cast iron skillet. I bake everything I can on them.
Aug 15, 2010
Not Back to School
It is hard to believe that we resume formal lessons tomorrow. This new year has required much more of my time to plan. But, it's done (mostly) and we're ready to start. (I always tweak as we go)
Our focus this year will be a very strong Bible study and a very intense Latin program. But there will be time for fun as well.
For fun and fellowship D & S will be involved in a 'Speed Stack' club. If you have never heard of this new activity you can check it out here. www.speedstacks.com
This program helps to develop both sides of the brain as they learn increasingly difficult stack sequences and decrease their time. We have a set and D &S practice almost every day. They must have the correct technique and order in which they up-stack and then down-stack.
For Latin we will be using The Latin Road to English Grammar vol 1www.thelatinroad.com
For Bible we will be going through :
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Cross Centered Life, Mahaney
Do Hard Things, Harris
Don't Waste Your Life, J. Piper
Learn one hymn per week
For US History
Drive Thru America
A History of Medicine
Apologia General Science
Saxon 7/6 then 8/7
Daniel will go through a book called 'Created to Work' as well as start his A+ training to build computers.
Sarah's book will be 'Beautiful Girlhood' and she will be using an art program.
I would also like to start working on ASL.
I will be teaching an 'Intro to Crochet' and "Intro to Basket Weaving' for our homeschooling group.
So that's it in a nutshell. If you think of us, pray that we will be diligent, disciplined, and most of all Christ-like in our attitudes, work and interaction with others.
Our focus this year will be a very strong Bible study and a very intense Latin program. But there will be time for fun as well.
For fun and fellowship D & S will be involved in a 'Speed Stack' club. If you have never heard of this new activity you can check it out here. www.speedstacks.com
This program helps to develop both sides of the brain as they learn increasingly difficult stack sequences and decrease their time. We have a set and D &S practice almost every day. They must have the correct technique and order in which they up-stack and then down-stack.
For Latin we will be using The Latin Road to English Grammar vol 1www.thelatinroad.com
For Bible we will be going through :
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Cross Centered Life, Mahaney
Do Hard Things, Harris
Don't Waste Your Life, J. Piper
Learn one hymn per week
For US History
Drive Thru America
A History of Medicine
Apologia General Science
Saxon 7/6 then 8/7
Daniel will go through a book called 'Created to Work' as well as start his A+ training to build computers.
Sarah's book will be 'Beautiful Girlhood' and she will be using an art program.
I would also like to start working on ASL.
I will be teaching an 'Intro to Crochet' and "Intro to Basket Weaving' for our homeschooling group.
So that's it in a nutshell. If you think of us, pray that we will be diligent, disciplined, and most of all Christ-like in our attitudes, work and interaction with others.
Aug 14, 2010
Interesting things for the Well-Equipped Kitchen
While cruisin' the www today, looking for a sectioned lunch container that was referenced on a PBS show I found this:
A Shark Skin Grater
I'm sure I'll find more intriguing items as I look through this website.
A Shark Skin Grater
I'm sure I'll find more intriguing items as I look through this website.
Aug 8, 2010
To the person who is plagiarizing my blog posts
Dear Owner of http://sewing-machine-cabinets.bompus.com/2010/07/these-past-few-weeks/
Please stop putting my posts on your website. I put a lot of thought and prayer into my posts and I don't mind people reading them. I do mind you or anyone else just copying my stuff for your own personal gain, whatever your motive.
Thank you in advance for honoring my request.
Please stop putting my posts on your website. I put a lot of thought and prayer into my posts and I don't mind people reading them. I do mind you or anyone else just copying my stuff for your own personal gain, whatever your motive.
Thank you in advance for honoring my request.
The people who brought us "Flywheel", Facing the Giants", and "Fireproof" are hard at work on a new film.
Here is the synopsis from the website
Four men, one calling: To serve and protect.
As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners are confident and focused. They willingly stand up to the worst the world can offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.
While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark.
They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. Will they be able to find a way to serve and protect those that are most dear to them?
When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God ... and to their children?
Courageous is the fourth release of Sherwood Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Church in Albany, Georgia. Their first release since FIREPROOF, the No. 1 independent film of 2008, Courageous joins Facing the Giants and Flywheel in touching and impacting lives through heartfelt stories of faith and hope.
Moviegoers will again find themselves crying, laughing, and cheering—sometimes simultaneously—as they are inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children.
Protecting the streets is second nature to these law enforcement officers. Raising their children? That will take courage.
Courageous ... honor begins at home. Filming
© 2010 Provident Films, a unit of SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. All Rights Reserved. Site By MMP
The people who brought us "Flywheel", Facing the Giants", and "Fireproof" are hard at work on a new film.
Here is the synopsis from the website
Four men, one calling: To serve and protect.
As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners are confident and focused. They willingly stand up to the worst the world can offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.
While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark.
They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. Will they be able to find a way to serve and protect those that are most dear to them?
When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God ... and to their children?
Courageous is the fourth release of Sherwood Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Church in Albany, Georgia. Their first release since FIREPROOF, the No. 1 independent film of 2008, Courageous joins Facing the Giants and Flywheel in touching and impacting lives through heartfelt stories of faith and hope.
Moviegoers will again find themselves crying, laughing, and cheering—sometimes simultaneously—as they are inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children.
Protecting the streets is second nature to these law enforcement officers. Raising their children? That will take courage.
Courageous ... honor begins at home. Filming
© 2010 Provident Films, a unit of SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. All Rights Reserved. Site By MMP
Aug 6, 2010
I had my mammogram several days ago. The technician said that all the images she took were good. As far as I was concerned it was just a routine exam.
Today I got a call telling me that I needed to come back in for a repeat mammogram and the radiologist will be there to go over the results with me. The lady who called said is is normal for about 10% to need additional images and it's nothing to worry about.
Maybe so, but I have that feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach that is telling me that something is wrong. I know that I'm the type to always expect the worse and in the process become frozen with fear.
I am making every effort to focus on trusting my heavenly Father. During times like this, I turn to the hymns that have stood the tests of time. and with the authors of the hymns choose to say...
Have Thine Own Way Lord,
Trust and Obey,
My Father is Omnipotent
Just a closer walk with Thee
Through many Dangers, toil and snares I have already come...
Some of these are just phrases, snippets that come to mind, long buried in my mind for such a time as this.
And on the Holy Scripture...
He who has begun a good work in you (me) will see it to the end...
Nothing can snatch me out of my Father's hand
Yea tho I walk through the valley...I will fear NO evil for THOU art with me...
HE is in control. He knows the future and will see that I have everything that I NEED
I can rest in peace because He holds my hand.
Today I got a call telling me that I needed to come back in for a repeat mammogram and the radiologist will be there to go over the results with me. The lady who called said is is normal for about 10% to need additional images and it's nothing to worry about.
Maybe so, but I have that feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach that is telling me that something is wrong. I know that I'm the type to always expect the worse and in the process become frozen with fear.
I am making every effort to focus on trusting my heavenly Father. During times like this, I turn to the hymns that have stood the tests of time. and with the authors of the hymns choose to say...
Have Thine Own Way Lord,
Trust and Obey,
My Father is Omnipotent
Just a closer walk with Thee
Through many Dangers, toil and snares I have already come...
Some of these are just phrases, snippets that come to mind, long buried in my mind for such a time as this.
And on the Holy Scripture...
He who has begun a good work in you (me) will see it to the end...
Nothing can snatch me out of my Father's hand
Yea tho I walk through the valley...I will fear NO evil for THOU art with me...
HE is in control. He knows the future and will see that I have everything that I NEED
I can rest in peace because He holds my hand.
Aug 5, 2010
Summer already gone?
Wow! It is August already and we return to formal schooling in just a few more days. August 16th to be exact.
I am almost completely ready. I think I have 95% of the planning done, and now am ready to start xeroxing things like tests, hymns, and anything else we will need.
Last year we used a pre-planned curriculum and I really enjoyed it. It was a break for me since everything was planned out for me. This year I am back to planning everything myself. And as always I'm tweaking it a bit as I go. Maybe by the time S graduates I will have my planning style perfected! Maybe I can sell it!
Anyway our big focus will be:
We're also searching for guidance regarding David's job situation and finding a church to call home.
We're blessed by the modern convenience know as Skype and are able to stay in touch with some dear friends who are far away. (And it has video feed so we can see each other!)
I am almost completely ready. I think I have 95% of the planning done, and now am ready to start xeroxing things like tests, hymns, and anything else we will need.
Last year we used a pre-planned curriculum and I really enjoyed it. It was a break for me since everything was planned out for me. This year I am back to planning everything myself. And as always I'm tweaking it a bit as I go. Maybe by the time S graduates I will have my planning style perfected! Maybe I can sell it!
Anyway our big focus will be:
- Learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism
- The Westminster Confession of Faith, understanding doctrine
- 1 hymn per week, more than just learning to sing it we will be looking at the hymns for sound Biblical doctrine. (this also forces me to practice the piano more)
- Science we're using Apologia General Science. (We used one of their zoology books last year and really enjoyed it and learned a lot)
- Latin Road to English Grammar
- Beautiful Girlhood and Created to Work, these books are perfect for kids from age 11 or so. I may use them as read-alouds with both children followed by discussion. Or I may use them in a one-on-one setting.
- Daniel will be studying for his A+ computer certification.
- Sarah will be doing an intensive art program
- We will continue to use Saxon Math
- ABeka US History
- We had hoped to do ASL, but so far have not found a video program.
- Both kiddos will be participating in a Speed Stackers Club
- AND I will be hopefully teaching some craft classes for our homeschool group
- We will also be reading aloud and discussing these books:
- Do Hard Things by Harris
- Don't Waste Your Life by Piper
- The Cross Centered Life by Mahaney
We're also searching for guidance regarding David's job situation and finding a church to call home.
We're blessed by the modern convenience know as Skype and are able to stay in touch with some dear friends who are far away. (And it has video feed so we can see each other!)
Sarah age 11, she is now 12.
I know these pictures are a bit out of date, but I really like them. These are the ones in my wallet at this time.
Jul 28, 2010
Praying For Those In Full-Time Ministry
My husband has been blessed with the privilege of carpooling with a fellow believer. This has been the source of much encouragement and growth over the past several years as they commute.
We have always felt a burden to pray for those in ministry, and this past week as Bret and David were talking, Bret shared an excerpt about praying for pastors from a devotional book he has been reading. This Sunday, when we found out that our pastor was sick yet pushed himself to bring the sermon and install new elders and deacons, and hear the report from our team that went to Appalachia to serve for a week, we were further convicted of the need to pray very specifically for him and for those we know specifically who are serving Him overseas.
Sunday evening we shared the devotional with our congregation and spent much time in prayer.
Here is a brief outline of what I shared...
Romans 15:30-32 (English Standard Version)
30I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together, (sunagonidzomai) with me in your prayers to God on my behalf, 31 that I may be delivered (ruomai) from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service (diakonia) for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, 32 so that by God’s will (thelema) I may come to you with joy (chara) and be refreshed (sunanapauma) in your company
Paul has sent a request to fellow believers to pray for him in several areas.
1. That we will strive together ( sunagonidzomai) in fighting spiritual battles
2. That you would be snatched (ruomai) out of traps and snares set by people who have wrong motives
3. That your service (diakonia) will be well-received, and that your meaning will be well understood
4. That you will have joy (chara) and keep joy in your ministry
5. That you will be in the center of G*d's will (thelema) and stay sensitive to Spirit so that no costly mistakes will be made.
6. That you will be refreshed (sunanapaumai)
By the way, the book is found here...Sparkling Gems from the Greek
We have always felt a burden to pray for those in ministry, and this past week as Bret and David were talking, Bret shared an excerpt about praying for pastors from a devotional book he has been reading. This Sunday, when we found out that our pastor was sick yet pushed himself to bring the sermon and install new elders and deacons, and hear the report from our team that went to Appalachia to serve for a week, we were further convicted of the need to pray very specifically for him and for those we know specifically who are serving Him overseas.
Sunday evening we shared the devotional with our congregation and spent much time in prayer.
Here is a brief outline of what I shared...
Romans 15:30-32 (English Standard Version)
30I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together, (sunagonidzomai) with me in your prayers to God on my behalf, 31 that I may be delivered (ruomai) from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service (diakonia) for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, 32 so that by God’s will (thelema) I may come to you with joy (chara) and be refreshed (sunanapauma) in your company
Paul has sent a request to fellow believers to pray for him in several areas.
1. That we will strive together ( sunagonidzomai) in fighting spiritual battles
2. That you would be snatched (ruomai) out of traps and snares set by people who have wrong motives
3. That your service (diakonia) will be well-received, and that your meaning will be well understood
4. That you will have joy (chara) and keep joy in your ministry
5. That you will be in the center of G*d's will (thelema) and stay sensitive to Spirit so that no costly mistakes will be made.
6. That you will be refreshed (sunanapaumai)
Even tho we are miles apart
You and yours are ALWAYS on our hearts
(corny, but true)
By the way, the book is found here...Sparkling Gems from the Greek
Random Pictures…Just Because I Can
Blue Glass Bottle Butter dish. The bottle has been heated and collapsed. We found this during our 20th anniversary trip.
Wool Yarn & Brittany Crochet Hook
Sugar Cube Igloo for library contest. The finished project included a polar bear molded out of very stiff icing all on a bed of meringue
Sarah & 'Puppy" making cookies
'Puppy' also helped me make pizza that day. He sat on the bar and watched and sampled. He even tried the raw onions! Those were spit out very quickly.
H'Burg fire dept. training
Deep in thought
Hammin' it up
Hat I made from the afore mentioned wool. Made for a dear lady at church who is now cancer FREE!!!
I think that 'Puppy' might have done more tasting than baking. He is also a ham for the camera.
'Izzy' making a Christmas gift for Mommy.
My 'Mothers Day' gift from the kiddos. This is a spoon ring that was purchased from a lady on etsy.
search for spoon rings
You will find many, the pattern for my ring is 'April' but I don't know which company made it.
I have my grammas good silver, the pattern is 'Talisman' by the Wm Rogers co. I would like to get some pieces in that pattern made for the women in our family. I don't think my brothers would want a spoon ring so I thought I'd have the piece made for their wives.
'Zazwa' reading my favorite Dr Seuss book, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
Jul 7, 2010
The Couch Prior
Apparently the timeline in my mind is running backwards... or I didn't put all the reupholstering photos in the same folder. (Yeah, that's it) So here are some photos of the job being done.
BUT you must first picture a couch up on sawhorses in the dining room, while the dining room table was shoved into the living room. Working on this project are 3 adults, 2 adult-size kids and 1 big dog who loves my Dad and insisted on being in the middle of the 'action'.
Various tools of the trade, plastic to protect the carpet from becoming embedded with staples, an air compressor with its hoses to operate the staple guns, a sewing machine, actually 3 were used, mine, Sarah's Singer and the real upholstery sewing machine at the shop.
Nuff said....Enjoy
BUT you must first picture a couch up on sawhorses in the dining room, while the dining room table was shoved into the living room. Working on this project are 3 adults, 2 adult-size kids and 1 big dog who loves my Dad and insisted on being in the middle of the 'action'.
Various tools of the trade, plastic to protect the carpet from becoming embedded with staples, an air compressor with its hoses to operate the staple guns, a sewing machine, actually 3 were used, mine, Sarah's Singer and the real upholstery sewing machine at the shop.
Nuff said....Enjoy
Do not for a second think that reupholstering a couch is an easy job. My parents have done this for years. They are professionals!
If the furniture had been of a simpler design, I might be more confident in my newly, semi-acquired knowledge. But it has this odd curve on the back wings AND I wanted the back cushions to be smoothed out.
All in all we did it. AND I am so thankful for my parents help. It (and my daughter) has sparked an interest in sprucing up things around here. Using fabrics from my stash, I think we might accomplish a lot this summer.
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