Jul 28, 2010

Praying For Those In Full-Time Ministry

My husband has been blessed with the privilege of carpooling with a fellow believer. This has been the source of much encouragement and growth over the past several years as they commute.

We have always felt a burden to pray for those in ministry, and this past week as Bret and David were talking, Bret shared an excerpt about praying for pastors from a devotional book he has been reading. This Sunday, when we found out that our pastor was sick yet pushed himself to bring the sermon and install new elders and deacons, and hear the report from our team that went to Appalachia to serve for a week, we were further convicted of the need to pray very specifically for him and for those we know specifically who are serving Him overseas.

Sunday evening we shared the devotional with our congregation and spent much time in prayer.

Here is a brief outline of what I shared...

Romans 15:30-32 (English Standard Version)

30I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together, (sunagonidzomai) with me in your prayers to God on my behalf, 31 that I may be delivered (ruomai) from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service (diakonia) for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, 32 so that by God’s will (thelema) I may come to you with joy (chara) and be refreshed (sunanapauma) in your company

 Paul has sent a request to fellow believers to pray for him in several areas.

1. That we will strive together ( sunagonidzomai) in fighting spiritual battles

2. That you would be snatched (ruomai) out of traps and snares set by people who have wrong motives

3. That your service (diakonia) will be well-received, and that your meaning will be well understood

4. That you will have joy (chara) and keep joy in your ministry

5. That you will be in the center of G*d's will (thelema) and stay sensitive to Spirit so that no costly mistakes will be made.

6. That you will be refreshed (sunanapaumai)

Even tho we are miles apart
You and yours are ALWAYS on our hearts

(corny, but true)

By the way, the book is found here...Sparkling Gems from the Greek

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