Aug 5, 2010

Summer already gone?

Wow!  It is August already and we return to formal schooling in just a few more days.  August 16th to be exact.

I am almost completely ready.  I think I have 95% of the planning done, and now am ready to start xeroxing things like tests, hymns, and anything else we will need.

Last year we used a pre-planned curriculum and I really enjoyed it.  It was a break for me since everything was planned out for me.  This year I am back to planning everything myself.  And as always I'm tweaking it a bit as I go.  Maybe by the time S graduates I will have my planning style perfected!  Maybe I can sell it!

Anyway our big focus will be:
  1. Learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism
  2. The Westminster Confession of Faith, understanding doctrine 
  3. 1 hymn per week, more than just learning to sing it we will be looking at the hymns for sound Biblical doctrine.  (this also forces me to practice the piano more)
  4. Science we're using Apologia General Science.  (We used one of their zoology books last year and really enjoyed it and learned a lot)
  5. Latin Road to English Grammar
  6. Beautiful Girlhood and Created to Work, these books are perfect for kids from age 11 or so.  I may use them as read-alouds with both children followed by discussion.  Or I may use them in a one-on-one setting.
  7. Daniel will be studying for his A+ computer certification.
  8. Sarah will be doing an intensive art program
  9. We will continue to use Saxon Math
  10. ABeka US History
  11. We had hoped to do ASL, but so far have not found a video program.
  12. Both kiddos will be participating in a Speed Stackers Club
  13. AND I will be hopefully teaching some craft classes for our homeschool group
  14. We will also be reading aloud and discussing these books:

    1. Do Hard Things by Harris
    2. Don't Waste Your Life by Piper
    3. The Cross Centered Life by Mahaney
I'm looking forward to a productive year in which we all grow both academically and spiritually.

We're also searching for guidance regarding David's job situation and finding a church to call home.

We're blessed by the modern convenience know as Skype and are able to stay in touch with some dear friends who are far away.  (And it has video feed so we can see each other!)

Daniel age 12 1/2 (he will be 14 in a few weeks)
Sarah age 11, she is now 12.

I know these pictures are a bit out of date, but I really like them.  These are the ones in my wallet at this time.

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