Aug 6, 2010


I had my mammogram several days ago.  The technician said that all the images she took were good.  As far as I was concerned it was just a routine exam.

Today I got a call telling me that I needed to come back in for a repeat mammogram and the radiologist will be there to go over the results with me.  The lady who called said is is normal for about 10% to need additional images and it's nothing to worry about.

Maybe so, but I have that feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach that is telling me that something is wrong.  I know that I'm the type to always expect the worse and in the process become frozen with fear.

I am making every effort to focus on trusting my heavenly Father.  During times like this, I turn to the hymns that have stood the tests of time. and with the authors of the hymns choose to say...

Have Thine Own Way Lord,
Trust and Obey,
My Father is Omnipotent
Just a closer walk with Thee
Through many Dangers, toil and snares I have already come...

Some of these are just phrases, snippets that come to mind, long buried in my mind for such a time as this.
And on the Holy Scripture...
He who has begun a good work in you (me) will see it to the end...
Nothing can snatch me out of my Father's hand
Yea tho I walk through the valley...I will fear NO evil for THOU art with me...

HE is in control.  He knows the future and will see that I have everything that I NEED

I can rest in peace because He holds my hand.

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