Jan 5, 2013


David was on vacation  from Christmas Day through New Years Day.  One thing we enjoy doing as a family is going to the local "junk" shop in Concord.

We had gone to Ikea the day before and I had looked at cushions for the dining room chairs but couldn't justify

paying around $7 per cushion when the fabric was not very good quality.  While we were are the junk shop the next day I was looking for 2 things.  A butter dish that I liked and one of those grease separator measuring cups.  I found the butter dish, and a gorgeous hand-crafted wall basket but not the measuring cup.  while waiting for David to finish I started looking through the aisle of pillows. 

I found a set of 4 hunter green seat cushions in very good condition for our dining room chairs, a manly plaid seat cushion for Daniels desk chair and several throw pillows for the living room.  I think I got 10 pillows in all.

After they were washed and dried and we went to bed that night, here is what I found...

Oscar curled up on the couch enjoying the new pillows!

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