Sep 27, 2010

New Felted Purse

Several months ago a lady on a crochet forum posted a picture of a beautiful felted purse that she called 'Tres Roses'.  She had invented this purse and shared it with us.

I did some figuring and searching for a rose pattern and finally made my mom a purse.
Here it is...

Sep 22, 2010

One of the Saddest 2-weeks of my life

A little over 2 years ago, I had a very memorable Mother's Day. Our friends J & K had their 3rd child in a home birth.  ( I told K she was my hero, she was at church in active labor only about 2 hours before 'Puppy" was born).




We were over within an hour or so after he was born.  And were able to bring them leftovers from our Sunday lunch and share and rejoice  with them as a family.  I thought I had blogged about it, cannot believe I forgot.

Just as Mother's Day 2008 if a joyful memory, so September 2010 is one of sorrow and tears.

September 7, our pastors son James was killed in the line of duty in Iraq.  He had been in the army less than a year, he had a young wife at home, he was scheduled to come home in January 2011. 

God in His Providence, chose to bring him home, and in his death, the message of the Gospel has been broadcast at least nationwide.  As his wife, parents, siblings, extended family, and friends mourn his passing, we are also able to rejoice in the testimony that his death has spread.

Right now if you 'google' James McClamrock you will find newspaper articles from all over.  I haven't yet read all of them , but every one I have read has been so full of God's grace as evidenced in the entire family's lives.

His funeral was this past Friday, 9/17.  It was very emotional but at the same time I believe that it was very healing for those who grieve.

We (Gibson Family) did not have the privilege of knowing this young man.  He left for the Army only a few months after we started attending the church and prior to that his job in security at the airport had kept him away.  We have had the chance to get to know his wife a tiny bit, and I am so amazed and yes, even proud of how she is responding to the death of her husband with grief tempered by hope and peace and grace.

Shannah, Jamies wife, has the peace that surpasses ALL understanding.  This is not a trite cliche.  It is the evidence of Christs work in her life. 

 Philippians 4:4-7: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

This is the peace in the face of tremendous grief that Shannah, James parents and siblings, his friends and church family have.  And as we seek His peace in this time of grief, as we cling to Him for healing, He gives us the peace that only he can give.

Here is a link to a tribute article in the local paper.  It was front page and if printed on one page would take up the ENTIRE page.  How often do we see that for a small town boy?  But more about the reasons for the honor shown him in another post.

Final Good-bye

Impromptu Nature Lesson

Two Weeks ago on a Saturday the kids were around the corner at a friends and David & I grabbed the 'Brown Bag Special' at Sonic and headed to the salon to get my hair cut.

As Shannon was doing my hair, David joined the conversation and we were telling her about this wonderful new, (to me) shampoo.  JR Liggette's Old-Fashioned Bar Shampoo

Shannon told us that her husdand was getting ready to go on a month0long hike in the Appalachian Mountains. So, David offered to run home, (we are no more than 1/2 mile away) and bring her a bar for them to try.

As he slowed to turn in our drivewat he noticed a dead critter in the road.  So, naturally, he went to investigate.  He found a beautiful hawk with no visible damage.  Being the good homeschool Dad that he is, he quickly got a shovel and removed the bird from the road.

When we got back home from my fabulous hair cut, I called the neighbor where the kids were playing to ask J, (the dad) is his boys (7 & 11) would like to come over and investigate the hawk.  The 7 year-old did not but D the 11 year-old was full of enthusiasm.

We measured, photographed and then called the Raptor Center to see if they had a use for a dead bird.

They did so all 5 of us, (6 if you count the hawk in the trunk),  piled in the car and drove out to deliver the dead hawk.

We arrived in time to see the staff preparing dinner for the birds and were able to ask a lot of questions about their work and of course take photos.

Here are just a few of the photos from that day.

Dinner prep for the raptors.

Sep 16, 2010

Prayer and Thankfulness

Before you go any further today, please read the blog post that I have linked for you.

I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have been "bugged" by things that are prayed for and things that people thank God for. 

But after reading the post above, my perception changed.  I contacted Beth and received permission to link to her post.  I must remember to send her the link to mine.

The point I want to make is that we are told "... In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5

So with this new perspective I am trying to give thanks in literally everything.  What does this look like? Well, first it has helped my attitude when I hear my child thanking God for the chance to watch a movie.  I must remember that it is the thankful attitude that is most important. 

So Thank You God for:
a computer
the Internet
our library
our librarians
a warm home
running water
beautiful flowers
a baby's cry
a tender kiss
the love of my husband
my 2 bright, energetic, imaginative, loving, wise children
our "monster-dog" Oscar
my car
food to cook and eat
bills to pay
my migraines, I don't know the why, but I do know the Savior and that's most important

And I will continue to say, " I am doing better than I deserve."

I deserve eternal hell, but Christ has redeemed me for His own and I am no longer a slave to sin.  Now I serve the King of kings.

And They'll Know We are Christians By Our Love, and our words and our deeds...

As I browse through facebook profiles of people I know, I am ashamed.  Ashamed of the words that are posted.  Ashamed of the things that are "liked".  Ashamed of the attitudes displayed while at the same time the title of 'christian' is bandied about with no regard.

Words mean something.  Our culture has denigrated the language so much that words  once  taboo, highly insulting,  even forbidden have now become a badge of 'honor'.

Parents, if your kids are on Facebook or have a blog, please keep an eye on what they post.  I think that we often post something on the www that we would not say in real life.  I know I have said things online that in retrospect I would NEVER have said in the same way if I had been talking to that person face to face.

I have been on a lot of facebook pages this week as I tried to keep up-to-date on the funeral plans for a dear young man from our church who was killed last week while serving his country in Iraq.  Consequently I have seen a lot of comments that were not anything I would want my children to call themselves or anyone else.

Sep 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Daniel

Today my first born is 14. It is hard to believe  accept.  Aas I hugged him and wished him happy birthday, I got so choked up.  He has grown and changed so much from the end of school last year to now.  He is becoming a fine young man.

He stands head and shoulders above me.  I didn't realize how tall he really was until one day I asked him to get something out of the the top kitchen cabinet for me.  He walked over and reached up, didn't even stretch, and handed me the item.  At that point it hit me how tall he actually is.  He is just turned 14 and pushing 6 feet tall.

The pictures are from his actual birthday.  I wish I had photos in the pc from each year.  Maybe I can get that done soon , for both children.

Any way, Happy Birthday, Daniel, I love you.