This is the snow heart sculpture that the kids made for us. (it snowed the previous night)
The week before VDay the kids and I were house/gramma sitting so my parents could do their monthly week @ JAARS.
Usually my sister does this for Mom & Dad since her kids are grown but we volunterred to help this time. My sister's first grandbaby was only a couple of weeks old and I wanted her to be able to be at the hospital with her daughter and the baby as much as possible.
Soo...about Wednesday or Thursday before VDay on Saturday, my dh (darling husband) told me that on Sunday afternoon I needed to be ready to recieve visitors between 2 & 5 in the afternoon.
In vain did I try to pick it out of him. I was so shameless that I even tried to get our children to weasel it out of him and report back to me. BUT let it be noted that D & S staunchly supported their Dad in his mission without even knowing the details.
Fast forward to Friday... the kids and I and Okar (4-legged monster dog) and all our school books, leftover groceries, clothes, games, and whatever else we had dragged along, were home. Tired, hungry but oh so glad to be home. After dinner that evening, dh gets a mysterious call on his cell. After the call he tells me that the plans have changed and now I have to be ready for visitors to drop by on Saturday. A whole 24 hours earlier than planned.
Of course I was still trying to figure it out. I made wild guesses, is K home from overseas? Is P back from Florida? DH only added that the visitor(s) would only be here for about 10 minutes. At this point I was so clueless it was embarrassing. ( I didn't even guess a flower delivery becasue most flowers in the house bother my asthma)
By this time it is lunchtime Saturday. I don't even remember what the kids had, but they were finished and back out playing. I do remember what dh & I had, garlic pasta with lots of hot pepper. We were sitting at the table finishing lunch and playing a game of Blokus, when S burst in to tell her daddy that someone was in the driveway.
David told me I had to come out with him, but before doing so I glanced out the window just in time to see 4 gentlemen in tuxedos walking toward the door. Now I'm curious, are you?
Long story short DH had hired a barbershop quartet to come and sing to me!!!
Not only did they sing TWO songs ( Let Me Call You Swetheart & Chances Are), they also gave me a long-stem red rose and a card from David.
After being crooned to, maybe serenade is a better term, and they left, THEN I fell apart, after we were back inside.
This has definately been a memorable day, right up there with the Mothers Day when L was born and we brought supper to a very hungry papa and got to love on L when he was only hours old.
Maybe I should list my most memorable days and keep it in my Bible. Maybe even post it...
That's a post for another day.
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