This is what 20# lost does. Belts too big.
Good problem to have. #ketogenicdiet for the win!
When I made the belt this summer I had about a 4" tail.
Now look at
I'll soon have enough extra to make Sophi a matching collar!
This is a talk by a doctor who specializes in obesity. In 18 minutes
she very thoroughly explains why the SAD (standard American diet) and
diabetes association recommendations do NOT work.
If you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, obese or just curious take the time to watch.
This is the way of life I adopted on the recommendation of Dr. Ng on
12/29/17. In 4 weeks my endocrinologist has lowered my insulin from 60u 2 x a day to 34u once a day.
I. Am. Not hungry.
I'm not having cravings anymore.
I'm no longer
addicted to sugar.
I've lost 14 pounds as of last weeks weigh in. My
migraines have significantly decreased.
Do I miss Dr Pepper? Yes! But not enough to throw my blood sugar level through the roof for 48+ hours.
And for me it's not just about eliminating sugar, grains, and starchy
veggies. It's also about having healthy ingredients that don't add to
inflammation in my body and I think that may be what has actually helped
my migraines the most.
Earlier this week I tried on skirts in my
closet that I haven't worn in at least 5 years. They FIT!!! One is
still a little tight but one was actually loose.
I'm 53 years
old. I've been overweight for at least 25 years. Don't wait until a
health crisis occurs to take charge of your life. My kids missed out on
a lot during our homeschooling years because of my migraines. Maybe if
I'd had my wake up call earlier they would have been able to go to the
park more.
After I saw my doctor this past Thursday I took the "plunge" to start eating extremely low carb.
Not only do I need to loose quite a bit of weight I have type 2 diabetes, High blood pressure. sleep apnea and asthma.
My doctor confirmed what I knew but hadn't put into practice. Sugar,
white bread, rice, potatoes, grits etc are doing me no favors.
I'm on so many meds including insulin and I'm determined to get off of
them. Guess what? Insulin makes you hungry and gain weight.
So far my blood sugar has dropped around 150 points. I've lost a couple of pounds just from changing my eating.
This isn't a "diet" this is a life change.
I'd love it if some of you would join me on this journey and help to encourage me.