Sep 29, 2014

Prayer to stay calm

Today is the day. David has headed to Charlotte to be officially terminated. We are surprisingly calm about it. Please pray that he will be able to make wise decisions about how to handle things financially.
I have a killer migraine today. I'm sure part of it is stress even tho I feel calm. But the other factor is this weather we're having.
Next Monday David heads out of town for an interview. Pray for a safe flight for him then and for wisdom in the meetings he will have.
Most of all pray for our whole family to trust in our Father who has promised to supply ALL our NEEDS.

Sep 23, 2014

Drying Racks, GOD is good

A young mom I know, Kathryn Wentz, quite frequently posts, "God is good". This is true. Unfortunately I too often forget. Today I was reminded in a simple yet profound way.
It's easy to see God in the big things and forget He's in the small things too. We're told in Matthew 10:29-33:
“. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, theref...ore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
He watches over the tiny sparrow and knows the number of hairs on every head.
The way He showed His care for us was a simple, wooden laundry drying rack.
Our dryer has not been working for several months. When the repair man came to fix it, he said it wasn't worth fixing. So since warm weather was approaching we decided to just wait and get the part needed ourselves.
Meanwhile we have been hanging our laundry on the line and drying racks. Today, with cool weather coming David felt we needed to purchase 1 more drying rack. He called around and found 1 hardware store that had 1 rack.
Before he headed into Concord to buy it he took Sarah to the bank. On the way back she saw a drying rack on the side of the road. So they went back, picked it up, and brought it home.
One simple need. A Father who cares about the tiny, unimportant details. Being in the right place at the right time.
And if He cares about a drying rack how much more does He care about the job situation? And even more about our salvation.
GOD. Is. Good.

Sep 6, 2014


I am so tired of the constant migraine.  Some hours are better than others, but today is just too much.  I'm hoping that a lot of the problem is the stress related to David's job situation.  That as soon as we know something, anything for sure I will have at least a decrease in the level of pain and nausea.

So, I'll keep trying to avoid as many migraine triggers as I can, keep my blood sugar levels down, help David in any way I can, homeschool the kids, coach Science Olympiad, pay the bills, cook the meals, get the groceries, assign chores, keep trusting that He who began a good work in me will complete it.  It may not be this side of Heaven, but it will happen.
Sarah and Rusty, my parents dog.  He LOVES Sarah.

So if the Gibson family crosses your thoughts would you please pray for us?