Apr 27, 2011

Money Savers we are doing

The budget is tight and our kids are growing.  Groceries are going higher and gas is, well gas is awful.

So where can we cut spending?  This month we have dropped our land line and changed ISP providers  cutting this bill in HALF.

And we did not sacrifice speed or quality. 

How can this be?

We tried Magic Jack  http://www.magicjack.com/1/step2.asp on a 30 day trial and liked it so much that we bought the equipment and paid ahead for 5 years of service.  If we move it all goes with us and we don't have to change phone numbers. 

We brought our unlimited phone service down to about $2 a month.

So far so good...

Then this past weekend after we had trouble with TWC's internet service, we bought Clear internet service. http://www.clear.com/ The modem arrived to day and we got it hooked up to 2 pc's and ran some speed tests and even on the voip phone, downloading a large file and looking up info on the 2nd pc, our speeds were wonderful.

The ISP service is about $45 a month.

Now if we could just spend less on groceries.

That is my goal for May.  Cut way back on food expenditures.  I have a real problem with grabbing fast food.  So this will take some planning.

Plan meals at home.
Use leftovers better
Plan for snacks
Plan for meals taken with us for running errands etc.

I also want to try to drink nothing but water for the month of May.  That will be hard especially when I am nauseous with a headache.

I'm going to take it 1 day at a time.

Apr 24, 2011

Apr 22, 2011

Good? Friday

Good Friday.

How can this day of remembering the crucifixion of our Lord be called good?

What is good about the murder of an innocent man?

And make no mistake, this man was truly innocent.  He was perfect.  He had never and  could never sin. 

And because He was perfect, He alone could satisfy the Father's wrath.

We often wonder, and books have been written wondering 'Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?'   We should be asking "Why do good things happen to bad people?

Good Friday.  Good for us sinners of whom I am one.

The populace meant it for evil.  God used it for good.

Apr 21, 2011

Maundy Thursday

Today is Maundy Thursday.  What does this mean?  Why do Christians remember this day?  Isn't Easter Sunday what it's all about?

I believe that the events on Maundy Thursday are extremely important to remember and ponder.  This was no ordinary Thursday.  It was Passover, the time for the Jewish people to remember their flight from Egypt.

This was no ordinary Passover.  Known to the world as the 'Last Supper', immortalized by da Vinci, brought to life in the film 'The Passion of the Christ' this was one more step in the road to the cross.

A step which brought our Savior into the merciless hands of the Roman soldiers.  He suffered torture that few survived.

We need to remember the agony, the emotional torture, the mocking...  Every little detail was

Without the Last Supper,  the crucifixion and ultimately the resurrection might not be as heart-wrenching and then joyous.

So this week do not forget our Lord's suffering and sacrifice that had to be endured before the resurrection could occur.

And remember the the resurrection proved that Christs offering was acceptable to the Father.  And ONCE and for ALL IT. IS. FINISHED!

Apr 19, 2011

What God is teaching me

Why do I post publicly about my spiritual life?  Accountability and prayer.  Even if only the ten people that I send my post to read this post, I can be pretty sure that they will pray for me, maybe even ask me how I am doing.

This past Sunday was a very honest day for me.  It was Palm Sunday, and a few of the kids in church joined the choir for the anthem.  We had a full choir loft.  My two, the pastors youngest, and 3 younger kiddos.

We were dressed in our robes, the littlest 3 wore angel robes minus wings and halos.  We entered the sanctuary from the main entrance of the church instead of coming in behind the pulpit.

The kids  and adults(?) carried palm branches.  It was wonderful to have the children participating and they did very well.

After the anthem the choir filed out and to their seats.  The service proceeded as normal. Opening prayer, announcements, the singing of hymns etc.

Something 'new' that has been added to the service in the past weeks has been an opportunity to pray as individuals.  The pastor opens this time up and closes this time when he feels the time is right.  We usually have several people pray out loud each Sunday and I have been truly blessed by this addition to the service.

This Sunday someone new was sitting in the pew in front of me.  I hadn't spoken to him, and unfortunately didn't have the opportunity after the service.  I hope and pray that he returns.

Three or so people had prayed when this gentleman broke into prayer and tears,  confessing a wrong he had done someone.  He didn't go into a lot of detail, but he didn't need to, the Father already knew.

This man was honest before God and the entire congregation.  He didn't try to hide his sin and be something he was not.  He respond to Gods work in his heart and came to the Saviour just as he was. 

I hope he returns, I want to speak to him and tell him that his prayer and honesty sparked a change in me.  I hope that others will be encouraged and freed from the need to appear perfect.  We need to be open, God already knows everything so we're not hiding from Him.  The scripture tells that we are not to be afraid of people, but fear Him who can harm both body and soul. As he prayed my heart was broken over the sin in my life.  After he finished I started to pray and soon was sobbing over my sin. 

You must understand that I generally do not pray out loud in a mixed congregation.  But this time I had no choice.  I was drawn irresistibly and my words were straight from my heart to His ears.  It did NOT matter that there were many others hearing my voice, and my tears.  This was between me and my Saviour and nothing could stop it.

Have I been challenged in the 48 hours since?  Very much so, but praise goes to my Saviour, I have recognized where I was headed and allowed Him to lead me instead of doing it my way.

This is real.  My prayer was not planned, rehearsed, phony.  I was in the presence of God and I came to Him humbly and in tears.

The words to "I Can Only Imagine"  ask

 "Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still? 
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall,
will I sing Hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?  I can only imagine"

I don't know how I will respond in heaven.  I do know how I responded to my Saviour as He pointed out my sin.

How will you respond?

Don't try to hide your imperfections.  Instead choose to be open about your struggles. 

When you read this, leave a comment and let me know how I can pray for you.  We will stregthen each other.

Apr 13, 2011

Things I've Learned

1.  I cannot go get my hair done without getting a terrible migraine from the associated fumes that have been accumulating all day.

2.  My hair does best fairly short.

3.  My hairdresser does a fantastic job with my fine, thin, curls.  Thanks Shannon, you're a true blessing to me.

4.  I have 1 product that works really in my hair. Sunsilk hydra tlc, this is a leave in conditioner that defines the curl without giving me crunchy hair.

5.  I have 1 shampoo that works for me.  JR Ligett's Old-Fashioned Bar Shampoo, Tea Tree & Hemp.

6.  I really like the makeup that Aldi carries.

7.  I need to include more variety in our dinner menu.

8.  My sweet husband can eat slaw, then kind my daughter makes, every day.

9.  My kids like fresh spinach, in salad, on sandwiches.  So does the dog.  Like spinach, and broccoli, but not carrots.

10.  I'm good at organizing, but often don't finish well.

11.  I am enjoying non-fiction books much more lately. 

12.  I want people to read my mind, and see what I see that needs to be done.

13.  I can get pretty ugly when I don't get things my way.

14.  I need to structure our day.

15.  When the kids know ahead of time what I expect of them in their book lessons each day, they do it.  And they do well.  And they fight less.  And they work together.

16.  It is true that the mom sets the tone for the day.  At least when she is home.  Like I am.  All day.

Even when I think I am failing God shows me that he is at work in my life.  In all our lives.

I can not type well with a migraine.