Jul 7, 2008

Reading With Annabel

Every Monday, (almost) Sarah reads to Annabel.
Annabel is a therapy dog.
Sarah was having trouble reading, so we changed our phonics curriculum and started reading with Annabel.
Since February, her reading has improved immensely.
She is now reading Charlotte's Web and Bridge to Terabithia.
Annabel is a Scottish Terrier. She was rescued and then adopted. She is a beautiful dog, in personality as well as face.
Her owner, MaryLou is a wonderful lady who uses her love of animals to help others.
Thanks, MaryLou!!

Jul 6, 2008

Conversation at Lunch

Today at lunch we talked about how we will look back on our lives and reflect. Will we say, "I wish I had done more."? Or will we be content that we have lived our lived in such a way that God was glorified.

CS Lewis said, "Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

So, will I be pleased with just going to church on Sunday, or will I choose to do the hard things?
Am I willing to pray that God will truly bless me? That He will expand my territory?

I'm currently reading " Beyond Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson. Bruce states, " None of us can predict what form God's gifts will take. They may come in material form, or they my be spiritual or relational. Or something else entirely. But they will be good because they come from the King of givers." This book really explains "The Prayer of Jabez". The prayer is not a magic formula. It's about opening yourself to God and being willing to allow Him to use you.

Are you afraid to let God use you? Pastor Fred said a few weeks ago that, " The reason we have idols, is that we don't trust God. We wonder if He will let us down." So is your fear an idol?

Pray that He will reveal any idols in your life. I challenge you to really seek God, to ask Him for His blessing, and to expand your territory. So that at the end of your life, He will say "Well done."

Jul 1, 2008

Fun with I & E

One of our favorite things to do is have I & E over to play. They are almost 5 and 2. We have soo much fun, playing with duplos, watercolor painting, jumping on the mini-tramp, playing with ALL the baby dolls, reading, eating lunch....

As soon as they leave, my 2 ask, "When can they come back?" So we pretty much have a standing date for Tuesday at 9.

Todays question from E, "Miss Susan, where is your 'bebe'?"

Me, "My baby's are Daniel and Sarah."

E: "Miss Susan, where is your bebe?"

E has a new baby brother, born this past mother's day, and I guess he thinks that no home is complete without a "bebe".

They grow up too fast!!
Some thing's I've been reminded of since we've been having I & E over this summer.
  • If your spoons are too big for a 2-year-old mouth, a small measuring spoon works just fine.
  • If said 2-year-old gets a measuring spoon to eat with, his big sister will need one too.
  • I can read the same story over and over and over and over...
  • Play-dough is fun
  • So is painting
  • A manicure by an almost 5-year-old is soo fun!! ( you should have seen my purple nails!)
I LOVE kids!! Even in the midst of headaches, hot weather, whatever, taking care of someone's children always brings a smile to me face and fills me with joy.
Thank you to all the parents who let me watch their children. It means a lot to me.